Monday, August 25, 2008

What is Torque?

The Torque Game Engine (or TGE) is a professional grade 3D engine for building the backbone of just about any type of game you want. Here is what Garage Games has to say about their product:

"TGE has everything you need out of box to make any genre of game. You can create games for the PC, Mac, and Linux, with a porting path to popular consoles such as the Xbox 360 and Wii. The 3D Toolset allows you to create game worlds on the fly, for a real-time editing experience. Couple all this with the award-winning TorqueNet client/server architecture for multiplayer games, the GeoTerrain system for large worlds, and the Torque Lighting Kit for realistic scenes, and you've got a complete development solution."

Sounds simple, right? However there are a few of caveats:

1.) You have to know how to code.
2.) You may have a game idea, but do you have a DESIGN?
3.) You need content for your game.

Still here? Good, because though they may seem like a lot, they are pretty easy to overcome and here is why:

1.) Just about anything in the game can be modified using Torque Script. It is similar in form to C++, but not near as complex. Plus, the heavy duty graphics and networking work is already done for you.

2.) If you've got an idea, you have proven that you have the imagination to design your game. Just keep a pad and pencil handy and before you know it you will have your design document in hand.

3.) There are a few way to get content into your game. The first is to make it yourself. Milkshape an amazing and inexpensive tool for making high polygon models. The second is to buy models online. Some packs are expensive, some are cheap. Just be aware of what you are getting. Lastly is to find free models. Several websites offer models ranging from rocks and trees to hyperspace-capable battlecruisers. Just make sure that you follow whatever licensing agreement they offer.

Here are some links to get your started:

Torque Game Engine by Garage Games (Free Demo)

Milkshape by Chumbalumsoft
Free 3D Models from

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