Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things to remember

While working on determining the fate of Wally and Ralph I have stumbled on a few things that are important to remember. I've gone over them in the last week, but I figure it doesn't hurt to share them again (plus it will help me remember):


$char1[1] is a valid array, $char1(1) is not. (notice [] vs. () )
Return statements that do not pass a value do not need ()
Pay attention to boolean arguements || means OR in torque script OR means nothing

Work on Wally and Ralph continues. I have learned a lot and am working on making the script more efficient. While it runs almost instantaneously the way it is, you can imagine how much it would slow TGE down if it were being run for 1000 characters instead of just 2.

1 comment:

Candy said...

That's fabulous. Can one of them please mop the floor?